With our unwavering aim in securing top quality products we continue to dynamically seek to penetrate new markets.

VAMVAX S.A. is a modern industrial unit, specializing in cotton ginning, the trading of grains, animal feeds and agricultural supplies. Our main product, cotton, undoubtedly of key importance in the global agricultural economy, possesses top quality characteristics within the international cotton ginning industry. The central location of our factory, in the fields of Voiotia, places us in an advantageous position to acquire top quality raw cotton, from the local producers, with whom we have forged strong commercial ties. Since the founding of our company, in 1990, we have exported our products, constituting a creative and outward looking Greece.

The magnitude of our success is evident in the long-lasting commercial relationships we have established, satisfying even the most demanding customers. Our commitment to excellent service, prompt delivery outstanding quality and sound logistics accompany all our business deals.

  • Total Area 120.000 sq. m.
  • Offices 400 sq. m.
  • Industrial Area 1.300 sq. m.
  • Warehouses 33.000 sq. m. Consisting of:
    4 separate roofed buildings for the storage of raw cotton and cotton bales
    2 separate warehouses for the storage of grains and animal feeds.
  • Grain and Cotton Seed Dryer, 270 tons daily process capacity
  • Ginning Mills with daily production capacity 770 cotton bales